PRP Treatment (Vampire Facial/Vampire Lift)

Stimulate cell growth and tissue regeneration with your own platelet rich plasma!

How do Platelet Rich Plasma injections Work?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy treatment involves drawing the patient’s own blood, separating the platelet rich plasma from the red blood cells, and then re-injecting the plasma into the skin via injection or microneedling. Platelet rich plasma is particularly effective in cell growth, skin and hair tissue regeneration, and collagen production.

What Can PRP Therapy treat?

PRP Therapy has been effective in treating the following:

  • Mature or aging skin
  • Melasma
  • Scars
  • Under-eye concerns Crepey skin, dark circles and hollows
  • Alopecia: hair loss and hair thinning (hereditary and non-hereditary)  

What to expect during your PRP Treatment

Here�s what to expect from a typical PRP injection process:

  • Dr Singh and his nurse will draw a sample of your blood. The typical amount is a 15ml sample but it can depend on where the PRP will be injected. This is approximately 1 tablespoon.
  • The blood is then placed into a centrifuge. This is a machine that spins around very quickly, causing the blood components to separate. The separation process takes about 20 minutes.
  • The nurse then takes the separated plasma and prepares it for injection into the predetermined treatment area.
  • Topical anesthetic is applied to the skin and the doctor injects the plasma into the previously discussed area(s) (under-eye, nasolabial folds, pan-facial, neck, scalp).  In a PRP Vampire Facial the plasma is applied to freshly micro-needled skin. 
  • After injection is complete, our clients are given a 20 min collagen mask to soothe the skin and aid recovery.
  • This process usually takes approximately 1 hour.

Before and after care:

Preparation before your PRP treatment includes:

  • Drinking 8 glasses of water the day before your treatment and another 2 glasses of water the morning of your treatment. Patients that are well hydrated are better able to provide a good plasma sample. 
  • Ensuring that you have eaten a regular meal before your treatment.
  • Avoiding Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Voltaren and other anti-inflammatory medication for 3 days before your procedure.  
  • Discontinuing any blood thinning agents (Multivitamins, Vitamin A & E, Ginkgo, Garlic, flax, Cod Liver Oil, EFA) at least 1 week prior to treatment, as these may contribute to possible bruising or bleeding at the injection sites.
  • Please stop drinking and smoking a minimum 3 days before the procedure. The longer your hiatus, the better your healing process.

Post-PRP treatment care includes:

  • Immediately following your treatment you will receive a 20 min face mask treatment to calm the skin and mind.
  • Refrain from taking any anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, Motrin and Advil. These agents interfere with your body’s anti-inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin�s rejuvenation.
  • If you have any post treatment discomfort you may use Tylenol.
  • Avoid exposing the skin to the sun for 3 days, and 10 days for optimal results.
  • Refrain from picking at or scratching the treated skin, and instead focus on keeping it moisturized.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and anything that makes the skin sweat for 24 hours due to open sores.
  • You may clean your skin with cool water and gently pat it dry no sooner than 4 hours after your treatment.  
  • If you experience any discomfort, burning, redness or swelling, cool compresses can be applied to the skin.
  • Makeup, preferably mineral makeup, can be applied after 24 hours.  

What are the side effects and risks of a PRP Injection?

  • As PRP treatments involve injecting a person’s own platelets, typically you do not experience any adverse reactions to the procedure. It is possible that you may have some irritation, pain, or bleeding related to post-injection inflammation.
  • There is a slight risk of injury to a nerve or muscle, itching or redness at the injections site, nausea, dizziness or basic discomfort.
  • A short recovery period after your PRP treatment should be anticipated as swelling and bruising is possible due to the inflammatory response of the skin after PRP treatment. This will decrease in about 3 days to a week, but can be minimized by applying a cold compress, arnica cream, and keeping the head elevated.    
  • After treatment, you can resume your normal activities almost immediately after your PRP treatment.