Proellixe Vibration Therapy

Proellixe Vibration Therapy

Target cellulite, increase muscle tone, reshape your body

What is Proellixe vibration therapy?

What Does vibration therapy Do?

Proellixe is a vibration machine that helps strengthen muscle tone, slimming and energizing without pain or strain. With whole-body passive vibration therapy, vibrations are generated and sent through the body which strengthens muscles, causing contractions which increase muscle tone and size.

  • Muscle toning and body reshaping
  • Decreasing cellulite
  • Encouraging weight loss
  • Increasing lymphatic drainage and microcirculation, which detoxifies and reduces congestion in fat and cellulite
  • Increasing serotonin production
  • Enhancing endorphins
  • Increasing production of growth hormones
  • Decreasing production of serum cortisol (stress hormone)
  • Helping build bone density

What to expect during the treatment

Wearing comfortable clothing and in bare feet, you merely need to stand on a vibrating platform for 10 minutes. That’s it. Exercise could not be any easier.

Before and after care

It is recommended to wear comfortable clothing during the treatment.

Risks and common side effects

As this treatment uses vibration, some patients reported feeling dizzy, light headed or nauseous during treatment. Discontinue use if you experience “motion sickness” during the treatment.�